"True love does not come by finding the perfect person,
but by learning to see an imperfect person perfectly."
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Saturday, September 27, 2008
I was trying very hard to cope with the situations,
Some people say, “change is good thing & it made a tribute to life”,
actually what it is saying something we don’t want to happen had happened.
I was trying very hard to cope with the situations,
Some people say, “change is good thing & it made a tribute to life”,
actually what it is saying something we don’t want to happen had happened.
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Mood Swing
I hate myself more than anyone.
My instinct is telling things I don't want to hear.
Taking a day off and trying to recover my emotional sickness.
My instinct is telling things I don't want to hear.
Taking a day off and trying to recover my emotional sickness.
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Pushing over the edge
I perceived as a layback person in some people's eyes.
After a few years study in college and working in hospital,
I just work smart instead of working hard.
I learned to simplify my job and still meeting the expectation.
After I moved back home, I picked a relative less stressful job with regular hours.
My job gives me flexibility, so that I can more focus on my life.
I cherish people around me and spend more time and effort on my own VIP.
By the end the day, I was trying to keep my VIP happy with my innovative thoughts and surprises.
Trust me there were many unforgettable moments, which you couldn't even found in romantic fictions.
Sounds sweet but at the same time I was pushing myself over the edge and I was too into what was I doing and became addicted to it.
After a few years study in college and working in hospital,
I just work smart instead of working hard.
I learned to simplify my job and still meeting the expectation.
After I moved back home, I picked a relative less stressful job with regular hours.
My job gives me flexibility, so that I can more focus on my life.
I cherish people around me and spend more time and effort on my own VIP.
By the end the day, I was trying to keep my VIP happy with my innovative thoughts and surprises.
Trust me there were many unforgettable moments, which you couldn't even found in romantic fictions.
Sounds sweet but at the same time I was pushing myself over the edge and I was too into what was I doing and became addicted to it.
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
喜喜 宴
昨日當好友的姊妹,令我深深感受到她真找到了她的plus one.
I am sure that they do complete each other.
Thanks for sharing the most valuable moment,
we all had a great time in the party especially "紅E".
I am sure that they do complete each other.
Thanks for sharing the most valuable moment,
we all had a great time in the party especially "紅E".
Saturday, September 20, 2008
Just a "SEND" button away from the Editor
I just finished my 1st article but I am still thinking about it....
Should I do it? Have to keep my words!Um....
If it works well then great, if not then shit.
Since when I spend so much time on decision making?
I am sure that I am somewhat different.
Should I do it? Have to keep my words!Um....
If it works well then great, if not then shit.
Since when I spend so much time on decision making?
I am sure that I am somewhat different.
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Am I labeled as 「盲中中」
2008年09月16日 星期二
黃毅力 CEO實戰手記:緣分的天空搵真愛
感情事感情了,我原以為自己不會寫這個系列,第一,我不是那些「作家」,能夠「作」出許多戀愛經歷,令成千上萬的迷失少女,或無知少婦,曲解「愛」的真正意思;第二,我也不是神父,滿口都是「愛」。我只可以用實戰的心理學方式,在來臨的數篇文章裡,去跟大家界定何謂「愛」。希望大家在情路上醒目 (Smart)一點。
黃毅力 CEO實戰手記:緣分的天空搵真愛
感情事感情了,我原以為自己不會寫這個系列,第一,我不是那些「作家」,能夠「作」出許多戀愛經歷,令成千上萬的迷失少女,或無知少婦,曲解「愛」的真正意思;第二,我也不是神父,滿口都是「愛」。我只可以用實戰的心理學方式,在來臨的數篇文章裡,去跟大家界定何謂「愛」。希望大家在情路上醒目 (Smart)一點。
Friday, September 12, 2008
現代的職場,不論是有經驗的員工,還是初出茅廬的大學畢業生,他們在工作上往往都不懂甚麼是「交代」。「交代」的定義是上司給你處理一件工作,不論是簡 單、複雜、重要或不重要,在你完成後,或是未完成時,都應該在適當的時候,向上司匯報你的工作進度,這是反映了你的責任感。
年 輕一代做事的態度都是我行我素,而他們做事的方式,都是按?自己一套而行事,認為只要把工作完成便可以;但遇到困難時,又不會請教他人,只懂得逃避;最 後,這件工作往往是石沉大海。他們有一句口頭禪:「你有無諗過我的感受。」還要樣樣都講「自由」,又話工作有壓力、生活有壓力。工作上遇到少少不如意的 事,便選擇逃避而不去面對,最簡單的方法就是「炒老闆魷魚」,或者發脾氣;不太嚴重的就是「依依哦哦」,怨聲載道。
這班我行我素的年輕 人,其實又有否顧及其他人的感受呢?每一個人都有可能成為其他人的壓力,而每份工作都有它的規矩及條理,假若人人都不講規矩,只講自由的話,世界便會天下 大亂。當你有壓力,身邊所有的人同樣都有壓力,尤其是有家庭負擔的職場人士,他們面對壓力時,可以選擇逃避嗎?到最後還是要堅持和有毅力地面對。
大 事是從小事做起的,很多時,老闆會初試牛刀,大材小用地吩咐同事做一些小事,其實都是考驗他們的表現,測試他們的工作態度和完事的方式。例如:老闆可能要 一個大學生去做影印的工作,一個簡單的行為,如果這樣都攪錯,或者弄得「七國咁亂」,老闆又怎樣委以重任,給你做一些更重要的工作呢?又或者你向其他同事 抱怨,為何這些小事要由你做,卻不是樂意去做,當這些說話傳回老闆的耳邊,你就「死得」,做事斤斤計較,做人又怎會成功呢?因此,當我聘請新員工時,不論 他是剛畢業或是經驗老到的員工,我都嘗試用小的工作去訓練他們的交代能力。沒有交代的員工,只會令人覺得他沒有責任感,這絕對給人負面的感覺。
「交 代」的重要性就是當你遇到問題時,你的上司可以第一時間知道及給予支援;又或者你的上司給你一份工作,他假定你可以完成,但你忘記了的話,到最後,可能整 盤計劃或全組的工序,因為缺乏你的環節而完全癱瘓,醒大家一句金句:「Only thing worse than bad news is bad news late!唯一比壞消息更差的是壞消息來晚了。」
2008年03月27日 星期四 都市日報
現代的職場,不論是有經驗的員工,還是初出茅廬的大學畢業生,他們在工作上往往都不懂甚麼是「交代」。「交代」的定義是上司給你處理一件工作,不論是簡 單、複雜、重要或不重要,在你完成後,或是未完成時,都應該在適當的時候,向上司匯報你的工作進度,這是反映了你的責任感。
年 輕一代做事的態度都是我行我素,而他們做事的方式,都是按?自己一套而行事,認為只要把工作完成便可以;但遇到困難時,又不會請教他人,只懂得逃避;最 後,這件工作往往是石沉大海。他們有一句口頭禪:「你有無諗過我的感受。」還要樣樣都講「自由」,又話工作有壓力、生活有壓力。工作上遇到少少不如意的 事,便選擇逃避而不去面對,最簡單的方法就是「炒老闆魷魚」,或者發脾氣;不太嚴重的就是「依依哦哦」,怨聲載道。
這班我行我素的年輕 人,其實又有否顧及其他人的感受呢?每一個人都有可能成為其他人的壓力,而每份工作都有它的規矩及條理,假若人人都不講規矩,只講自由的話,世界便會天下 大亂。當你有壓力,身邊所有的人同樣都有壓力,尤其是有家庭負擔的職場人士,他們面對壓力時,可以選擇逃避嗎?到最後還是要堅持和有毅力地面對。
大 事是從小事做起的,很多時,老闆會初試牛刀,大材小用地吩咐同事做一些小事,其實都是考驗他們的表現,測試他們的工作態度和完事的方式。例如:老闆可能要 一個大學生去做影印的工作,一個簡單的行為,如果這樣都攪錯,或者弄得「七國咁亂」,老闆又怎樣委以重任,給你做一些更重要的工作呢?又或者你向其他同事 抱怨,為何這些小事要由你做,卻不是樂意去做,當這些說話傳回老闆的耳邊,你就「死得」,做事斤斤計較,做人又怎會成功呢?因此,當我聘請新員工時,不論 他是剛畢業或是經驗老到的員工,我都嘗試用小的工作去訓練他們的交代能力。沒有交代的員工,只會令人覺得他沒有責任感,這絕對給人負面的感覺。
「交 代」的重要性就是當你遇到問題時,你的上司可以第一時間知道及給予支援;又或者你的上司給你一份工作,他假定你可以完成,但你忘記了的話,到最後,可能整 盤計劃或全組的工序,因為缺乏你的環節而完全癱瘓,醒大家一句金句:「Only thing worse than bad news is bad news late!唯一比壞消息更差的是壞消息來晚了。」
2008年03月27日 星期四 都市日報
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Proud of You
I am so proud of you, Manda!
Congrats and it is my pleasure to take part of your big day.
I wish you all the best with all my heart.
Congrats and it is my pleasure to take part of your big day.
I wish you all the best with all my heart.
Call from an editor
Am I interest to be a columnist?
Um.... I am not sure if I can write handsomely.
Do I have anything interesting thingsss to share?
I don't want to bore the readersss.
However I do need a side job for earning some extra money and keeping myself on the run.
Um.... I am not sure if I can write handsomely.
Do I have anything interesting thingsss to share?
I don't want to bore the readersss.
However I do need a side job for earning some extra money and keeping myself on the run.
Monday, September 08, 2008
Sunday, September 07, 2008
Ironic Combo
To lose men through situations that are not within my control -
it just tears me apart.
Everything that I have done and am still doing;
it all just seems so futile right now.
There is no more fight in me left.
I guess its really time for me to move on and time for a change.
I am really not interested to hear about future opportunities and
I definitely do not want to listen to any empty promises.
I feel that any form of reassurance now will only be a formality,
and any promises that eventuality becomes true,
can be saved for future use as it would already be too late.
it just tears me apart.
Everything that I have done and am still doing;
it all just seems so futile right now.
There is no more fight in me left.
I guess its really time for me to move on and time for a change.
I am really not interested to hear about future opportunities and
I definitely do not want to listen to any empty promises.
I feel that any form of reassurance now will only be a formality,
and any promises that eventuality becomes true,
can be saved for future use as it would already be too late.
Saturday, September 06, 2008
Cause and effect.. Question and Answer... Reason and Result..
When a situation getting ugly..
how to embellish it?
Disregard the fact and simply one word -"whatever",
it could close the scene flawlessly.
It is hard to deal with the worse version of oneself,
entitle as a victim or sick in the head.
Mercy will be given and cover all the offense.
A little monster is created and living inside of you.
When the little monster got hungry ,
it is going to hop and chew on you for the unforgiven fault.
When a situation getting ugly..
how to embellish it?
Disregard the fact and simply one word -"whatever",
it could close the scene flawlessly.
It is hard to deal with the worse version of oneself,
entitle as a victim or sick in the head.
Mercy will be given and cover all the offense.
A little monster is created and living inside of you.
When the little monster got hungry ,
it is going to hop and chew on you for the unforgiven fault.
Thursday, September 04, 2008
Purple Turlips

I went to the flower market after I got off work yesterday.
I walked through the street and check out all flower shops.
There are many many different flowers... real and fake.
There was only a flower shop selling tulip and daisy.
I bought myself a bundle of purple tulips and
hoping it is going to brighten my day.
Purple tulip and daisy are both my favorite flowers;
not all the girls like roses...
Got 7 hours straight sleep.
I supposed to feel recharge when I got up this morning,
but when I got up and looked at the mirror...
It was so unpleasant and I am tire of myself.
Everyday starts the same and ends the same.
Things all over me again.
Nothing but repeating and repelling.
I got myself out of work after lunch.
My life is so small yet so complex.
I supposed to feel recharge when I got up this morning,
but when I got up and looked at the mirror...
It was so unpleasant and I am tire of myself.
Everyday starts the same and ends the same.
Things all over me again.
Nothing but repeating and repelling.
I got myself out of work after lunch.
My life is so small yet so complex.
Tuesday, September 02, 2008
If you give a Pig a Pancake
You've Got Mail
Monday, September 01, 2008
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